

"place an order" 和"make an order " 的差別在哪裡?

2019年1月13日 — make an order - meaning, you need to make the order (you haven't ordered it yet). 查看翻譯.

make an order (【Phrase】) Meaning, Usage, and Readings

In many instances, people make comparisons in order to determine how to improve their lives, and then they make positive changes.

make an order - 英中


make an order for - 英中


Make to Order (MTO) or Made to Order

Make to order (MTO) is a business production strategy that typically allows consumers to purchase products that are customized to their specifications.

MAKE-TO-ORDER | English meaning

a make-to-order manufacturing process is one in which goods are made only after receiving customer orders: A custom-made ...

ORDER in Traditional Chinese

do/make something to order. to do or make something especially for a person who has asked for it. 訂做,訂製. We make wedding cakes to order. 我們提供訂做婚禮 ...

What is the difference between place an order and make ...

2019年1月13日 — make an order - meaning, you need to make the order (you haven't ordered it yet). See a ...


例句: You need to think carefully before you place an order. 翻譯: 在你下訂單前,你必須三思。